Apr 12, 2006 19:14
Passover is here again, and it never fails to hit me in my gut. It is truly a holiday of the gut, with all the food restrictions and highlights, and all the visceral storytelling and the hard-hitting emotions and all that. This is my first Passover without my family, and I wish I was with them. Hillel’s traditional seder and then tomorrow Seth’s Harvard seder will have to suffice. I am ready for Pesach. I really think I really am ready.
We are free. We were slaves and now we are free. Just think about that. That is amazing and incredible. In so many ways, this redemption applies to all people. Turn it over and turn it over and turn it over, and every time you will find something new. I never get tired of Pesach.
Ask questions this Pesach. Understand the centrality of the question to all of existence. Your existence is a question which you answer by living.
"It is an old saying: Ask a Jew a question, and the Jew answers with a question. Every answer given arouses new questions. The progress of knowledge is matched by an increase in the hidden and mysterious."
- Rabbi Leo Baeck
Chag Sameach, everybody.