Well it's been a while since I upated so here it goes.
Last week I worked Duty Crew on Monday and we only received one call. That one call happened to be a tripped sprinkler in the middle of an apartment in a nice new building. Ouch. On Wednesday I skipped a PFD Mandatory training (oops) to join MLFD and their visit to Golden Valley to assist with training on tanker operations and overall drafting. Little did I know I was going to wind up teaching a portion of the class, let alone on our new truck so I've only have had so much playtime with it. It went well though. The pics are below and also in my Myspace profile:
Get Your Own! |
View Slideshow Thursday night somehow seemed like a good time to have a bonfire, so Joe and I had some beers....which was a lot of beers and went late. That, however, paled in comparison to the nearly 2 cases worth of beer James and I polished off the next night around the fire pit. We even took the boat out at like 2 am (good thing the moon was nearly full). Lots of fun though.
Saturday was my parent's 34th wedding anniversary. Sat night I was invited to Douggie's so I swung up there briefly. I saw the storm coming and remembered about the Station 1 party and that no one would be responding to calls that night. So when the pager went off I headed to the Southside and sat alone until the duty officer said to get the engine over alone. Keep in mind I haven't been officially a "driver" over there very long so flying solo was kinda odd.
Afterwards, I swung by the going away party for a bulldog who's moving to Iowa. He and I started in the same group and rose through probation together. He will be mised. I was greeted with a lot of "Hemi!" and "Holy shit there's Hemi!" and so on and so forth. It was quite a turnout of guys from all over the dept and mainly station 1. Thanks to the kegs, what started as a brief appearance soon turned into 4am and I was the last to leave. Probably one of the funnest nights like that I've had and the top reason for the title for today's blog.
Sunday was more recovery and eventually Explorers, hosted at the Hogbarn (PFD station 2), where we did search & rescue evolutions in the basement. With the exception of a couple participants, it went very well. I hit Applebee's afterwards because I'm an idiot and socialized until about 11.
And here I am now.