I am still a bit mortified after coming in last night to a tidy house (yes, yes, horror of horrors, I know it's weird to whine about). My parents used the key we gave them so they could feed the cat while we were gone to come in and clean my house. Which was, let me assure you, quite an undertaking. And fix the hole in the floor. And redecorate a bit. And sort out things with the recycling people. And apparently throw away the alcohol, because I can't find it. I really appreciate their intent and I certainly can make use of a head start on getting things together, and there's nothing wrong with the new furniture or clothes she left, but...it's still absolutely humiliating.
I really was going to try to get that stain off the wall. They've taken some of the paint off.
ETA: The rum is not all gone. It is merely behind the detergent and the light bulbs in the laundry room. Can't imagine why that wasn't the first place I looked when I wondered where it was.
In other news, Texas is big.
katherinemorrow and her adorable fiance are fabulous. Nicole's doing well, which is awesome (and seriously, if you're reading this, Nik, you looked great). Shane's still Shane. My Aunt and Uncle in Dallas are well. Aunt Marcia continues to be my polar opposite in so many adorable ways. I am not sure that she knows she's rich. But her....'$500,000 shack' is looking very nice these days. The marble steps I fell down when I was four are now wood-covered. And only harder to fall down because I'm taller.
Eva's husband is Kenyan. I actually had no idea of that all these years, having not met him before. God, we hadn't seen Eva in seven years. But she's doing all right.