Live Blogs of the Texas SBOE Public Hearing

Mar 25, 2009 23:38

The great people at the Texas Freedom Network and Steve Schafersman of the Houston Chronicle are live blogging the events of the final, yes FINAL, public hearing before the final vote on Friday on the new science standards. Read them, they're awesome. You can listen to the procedures live at the SBOE's site.

Everyone's showed up for this. Genie Scott and Josh Rosenau of the NSCE, the scientists who wrote their opinions on the science standards released back in December, and several professors that teach evolution and medical doctors, just to name a few. The crazies have their select representatives too, including the obnoxious Casey Luskin of the Discovery Institute who handed out pamphlets rebutting the scientists' opinions on the science standards (that HAS to be some grade-A shit there); Kelly Coghlan, the annoying "Christian attorney" who wrote that awful "protection of free religious expression" nonissue bill that Texas passed last year and that failed in Oklahoma; and Don Patton, a creationist from way back when "creation science" was the buzz word. I loved his testimony, he trots out the OLD arguments like there's no transitional fossils and quote mines Stephen Jay Gould for support. (Damn, I wish he could rise from the grave and beat this idiot with one of his books.) Even worse, some creationist board members openly said that they attended Patton's seminars and learned a lot from him. To quote Scharfersman, "That explains a great deal."

education, creationism

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