Ray "Banana Man" Comfort has published a
god-awful (pun intended) piece of horrible shit called You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence but You Can't Make Him Think depicted with a horse not drinking water on the cover. OH SO CLEVER RAY TOO CLEVER FOR US IDIT ATEISTS RAY LOLERZ
Apparently he's stumbled upon the great flaw in the evolutionist religion, which he
peddles like a hassler on the street, on his site Pull the Plug on Atheism. Along with a
multitude of other articles that misrepresent atheism in every conceivable way, he states:
All animals, all fish and reptiles have the ability to reproduce of their own kind because they have females within the species. No male can reproduce and keep its kind alive without a female of the same species. Dogs, cats, horses, cattle, elephants, humans, giraffes, lions, tigers, birds, fish, and reptiles all came into being having both male and female. If any species came into existence without a mature female present (with complimentary female components), that one male would have remained alone and in time died. The species could not have survived without a female. Why did hundreds of thousands of animals, fish, reptiles and birds (over millions of years) evolve a female partner (that coincidentally matured at just the right time) with each species?
nrrrrRRRIUGH. BRICK. TO. FACE. *smashsmashsmashsmashsmashsmashblood*
For whatever incomprehensibly dumb reason, Comfort seems to think that species appear only because male and female members have to appear at the same time. In other words, if a giraffe birthed a male cat, another giraffe would have to birth a female cat or there would be no cats. This is how Ray Comfort's mind works, ladies and gentlemen. Of course, this is what I expect from the person who thinks the artificially cross-bred banana is proof that God exists.
More subtly, I guess what he's trying to say is that there need to be male and females of a species in order to reproduce -- which is true, but totally not the point. Individuals don't evolve, populations do. That's what a species is, a population of living creatures that can interbreed with one another and produce fertile offspring. Hence, a member of one species cannot automatically give birth to a male of another species in some kind of monstrously-huge mutation that dies out because it can't find a female to do the horizontal mambo with. Those offspring are just as fertile as their parents, and pork any other member of the opposite sex they want. Speciation actually occurs when two populations of the same species top breeding with each other for some reason, like being separated geographically. So the two populations can evolve by their lonesome, and develop into new species with a common ancestral species.
You think that not even Comfort could miss this obvious fact, but he not only has, he's made it the subject of that horrific book. Naturally it's doing awful in sales, not even the library owns a copy (it doesn't have ANYTHING by Comfort thank dog). Unfortunately, that means I can't beat my brain with it and display some wonderful gems of stupidity.
But I don't really have to, because, courtesy of that great site WingNutDaily, Comfort claims that the reason his book isn't selling more isn't
because it's a piece of horseshit (another pun intended), but because of AN ATHEIST CONSPIRACY!!1!!1!!1one:
"If you look at the reviews on Amazon.com," he said, "you could come away thinking that this is worst book ever written. It has masses of one 'stars' with scathing reviews, saying things like 'Comfort is a charlatan' and 'Dreadful piece of drivel.'"
Because it is.
But he said he also found five-star ratings with comments such as "Great logical thinking" and "a must read."
Because some people wouldn't know critical thinking even if it convicted them of murder.
But here's where he UNCOVERS THE CONSPIRACY!!1:
When he got to one that said, "You can tell how good this book is by how many atheists are claiming to have read it and then give it a one-star review," he got to thinking and looking around.
On the Reddit.com website he found the answer: a conspiracy among atheists to drag his book down through their responses on the Amazon website.
*gasp* OH NOES
A participant identified as "The Milkman" wrote, "Let's all vote one star on this piece of s---."
"Mithridates" also commented, "Pro-tip for people reviewing the book: giving it one or five stars makes it painfully obvious that you're just giving it that number because you feel the author to be on or against your side. To actually make it look like a real review you're going to want to go with two or four stars."
He says it can't be bad because he converted an atheist, but that proves nothing. It's patently obvious that you don't understand what evolution is or how it works, Comfort, no matter how many people you can manage to win over. Any scientist would take one look at this claptrap and laugh themselves silly to your bewildered expression.
He then makes the classic "evolution means no morality" argument:
"I also show that the 'God' issue is moral rather than intellectual. No one needs to prove that God exists. Creation is clear evidence for any sane person that there's a Creator. But if I can convince myself that there is no God, it means I am not morally accountable, and evolution opens the door to a whole lot of sinful delicacies such as pornography, fornication, lying, theft, and of course writing bad reviews for a book I haven't read," he continued.
He claims the same thing in the above article on his site:
Those who believe in the theory of evolution are passionate, and for a good reason. If Darwin was right, man is simply an animal with no moral accountability, and his desires therefore to procreate are merely natural survival instincts.
Secular humanists and atheists everywhere disagree. I mean, it's not like other animals demonstrate moral capabilities and that a moral code could easily be survival trait that's selected for by nature. Not that you'll ever understand that Comfort.
And here's the watchmaker argument that's another one of his staples:
He said the logical problem that follows atheists, though, is that once they convince themselves God doesn't exist, they are left with the "insane" philosophy that nothing created everything.
"They will deny that through gritted teeth because it is intellectually embarrassing, but if I say that I have no belief that my Ford Truck had a maker, it means I think that nothing made it, and that's a scientific impossibility," Comfort said.
The universe is not a truck. It's a series of tubes er, stuff of which we -- and here's the key -- DON'T KNOW the origin and scientists, particularly physicists, are working very hard on shedding some light on it. Saying "we don't have a fucking clue right now and we're looking into it" doesn't equal "nothing", and certainly doesn't prove the existence of the supernatural deity who created everything. God of the gaps and personal incredulity arguments are fallacies and, hence, bullshit.
The article ends with something I totally disagree with in a general sense, but certainly applies to Comfort and his brainless cronies:
One of the critics went beyond attacking Comfort to cover all Christians in his opinion: "Ray Comfort appeals to the kind of people who would believe in Christianity. People who can't think themselves out of a box," the forum participant said.
Of course not all Christians are idiots like Comfort. That's a stupid thing to say, and I can name several Christians who would like you to stop applying this bullshit to them, WND. Only the completely deluded are idiots like Comfort, and are nothing more than mildly amusing playthings. That's the real reason his book ain't selling, of course: because most people recognize utter crap when they see it, Christian, atheist, or whoever. But since Comfort can't think outside the box, he will never, ever, understand that.
(Courtesy PZ,
here and