
Mar 01, 2022 16:04

I have decided to turn crossposting off as of now. Back in 2017 when Livejournal was bought out by a Russian company and started cooperating with the Russian government to crack down on LGBTQ and dissident bloggers, there was a mass exodus to Dreamwidth. I had already moved my journal to DW, due to the whole Strikethrough business back in 2007, but I seriously considered stopping crossposting at that time - I had already let my paid account lapse. I wish now that I had.

As of 2020, LJ is directly owned by the Russian state bank. The second post in LJ's English language Top Posts is pro-Russian, pro-war propaganda. I can no longer justify giving LJ content, meager though my content is these days. I will still be around on Dreamwidth and occasionally on Tumblr.

If you're still staying, think long and hard about why.

the end

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