Well, that sucks

Feb 03, 2021 20:20

The bad news is, Stray Cat's initial quick and dirty test for feline leukemia came back positive. The maybe not as bad but don't get your hopes up news is, the vet said that the initial quick and dirty test can throw false positives, especially when a cat is sick with something else, and Stray definitely has an upper respiratory infection. So we shelled out for the more expensive and accurate test, which will take several days. But I am not getting my hopes up.

Right now Stray is living in quarantine on the back porch, in Silly's old cage, being dosed with antibiotics for the respiratory infection. It wouldn't be kind or practical to keep him there for however many months he had left. Feline leukemia is very contagious, fast-progressing, and basically untreatable. And it is virtually impossible to place a cat with feline leukemia in a shelter, because of how contagious it is. And we don't want to put our existing cats in danger of catching it. If test #2 comes back positive, Stray will almost certainly have to be put to sleep. :(
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cats and dogs living together

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