Still considerably hotter than normal, though. Supposed to get up to 108 this week. We got more tile done this last weekend. The last part is going to be tricky, because we'll have to move Ma-San's kitty fortress, and that will freak her out.
Costco had a bunch of citrus trees of various kinds this week, and they finally had the stripey pink lemons we saw there many moons ago. Back then there was only one, and someone bought it out from under us while we dithered about it. This time there were several, so I grabbed one, and we planted it next to the lime tree in the back yard. They're both dwarf varieties, so I don't think they'll get large enough to interfere with each other.
The vinyl shed that we got used nine years ago is finally giving up the ghost. The hinges of the door are breaking and it's hard to get it to close. I'd like to replace it, but I think we're going to have to wait a bit. I get occasional fits of madness thinking I could build one, but I think that may be a trifle beyond my skills.
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