Well, that was awkward

May 23, 2020 22:25

We had a new person try out with our gaming group tonight -- we're still doing it via Roll20, despite the stay at home order in AZ being lifted, because one of our members has medication-related immune issues. And thank God for that. New Person started out with a gay joke, which went over with our group as well as you might imagine, went on to make bizarre comments about his character wanting to go to Burger King (it's a fantasy game), describing bodily functions in greater detail than necessary, and generally conforming in every particular to the worst stereotype of Creepy Gamer Guy imaginable. And then he either fell asleep or wandered away from his computer, we're not sure which. Our GM kicked him from the game and we all heaved a sigh of relief.

We got the roof of the porch done this morning, and tomorrow we're going to put up the sun cloth screen for the side, and get all the boxes rearranged. Woohoo!
Talk to me

barb builds stuff, gaming

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