
May 25, 2019 19:19

We're catching up on season 2 of Star Trek: Discovery. I liked season one, but it didn't feel like Star Trek to me. Season 2 feels like Star Trek. I LOVE they way they're writing Captain Pike. I also like the guy playing Spock more than I expected to. I could never quite buy Zachary Quinto in the role, even though he's an excellent actor, for one petty reason: he's a tenor, and Spock is a baritone. I'm sorry, Quinto, I don't make the rules; that's just the way it is.

We also binge-watched S4 of Lucifer, and while I can't add much to
shapinglight's review, we enjoyed that as well. It's still popcorn viewing, but it's way better written and produced popcorn than it was before Netflix took it on.

Watching a recent-is production of Gypsy on the Broadway channel at the moment. I've always hated the character of Rose with a passion, and it doesn't help to have Dolores Umbridge play her.

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