Quiet bitching and moaning

Jan 15, 2019 20:43

You ever go trawling for fic and find one that's like, please, PLEASE get off my side and stop making my ship look bad? Sigh. It's really hard for the best of writers to pull S2 Spuffy off convincingly, and this was unconvincing in all the worst ways. It had Buffy LETTING Spike kill Ford, because she was too much of a wuss to fight him, and then CRYING ON SPIKE'S SHOULDER afterwards. Reader, I cringed. AND THEN I HAD TO REBLOG IT FOR THE HERALD :SOB: Sometimes I yearn for the Olden Days when we were elitist snobs. XD

But then I found Unexpected Cangel Promptfic on failfandom_anon which was quite good, so things balanced out a little.

I have GOT to get off my ass and start working on Parliament of Monsters again.

(Note: Pls don't link as Herald meta, this is just me whining.)

Talk to me

wah wah wah, fic discussion

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