
Oct 31, 2018 21:33

One of the not so great parts of working from home is that you don't get to wear a Halloween costume to work. I dressed up anyway:

I still have a bunch of things I want to add to this costume: patches on the arms of the coat, belt loops, belt, etc. Maybe someday a pair of pants that aren't just jeans. I also have some cool metal doodads which I want to try to sew on. They were originally some sort of badge of office from a local temperance society my maternal grandfather belonged to back in the 1920s-- my mother swore up and down that there was a little booklet that went with them, that explained the significance of each one, but I was never able to find it in her things. It may have been in the huge batch of stuff I sent off to the historical museum in Haddam when we sold her house. But anyway, I've been trying to think of something to do with them for ages, other than stick them in a drawer.

I sent in my mail-in ballot Monday. I wish I could say that at least it will all be over Tuesday, but whatever happens, it will just be the beginning of the next stage.

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