Five-second kerfuffle

Jul 27, 2018 22:45

So there was a BtVS 'reboot' announced, and fandom went crazy for like two days, before it was clarified that it was more of a spinoff than a reboot. I am much happier to see a spinoff, but a lot of reboot backlash I saw had fairly unpleasant undertones -- any time a sentence starts with "I'm not racist, but..." people should just shut up right there, because nothing non-racist ever follows those four words. But anyway, it seems all has ended well, with the caveat that all this is still just smoke and mirrors at the moment, and many shows get pitched that never make it to air.

My brother visited for a couple of days this week, and finally got his tools and two boxes full of Kinder Egg toys (which I've been holding since we cleaned out Mom's house back in 2015) shipped to his place. There's still a giant plastic Kinder Egg shelf kind of thing to go. I also went through the Phoenix Bird collection, and put together a full dinner service for six with all the serving pieces, and we'll ship that the next time he visits. (He works for a Major Airline, so he gets a discount with FedEx.) It's five banker's boxes full of dishes, since I wrapped them in enough bubble wrap to float a battleship. I feel kind of bad that I can't keep more of it, knowing how much Mom loved it, but we already have two sets of china, and we just don't have room for more. And to be honest, I don't like the pattern all that much.

So... after taking out the dozen or so pieces that Kathy and I are keeping, the set I sent to my sister's family, the set I sent to my cousin, the set I first gave to my brother that his then-girlfriend kept when they broke up, and this set, I still have... almost a dozen boxes of this stuff to get rid of. Most of the nicest pieces have been parceled out already, but there are still a few large, hard-to-find pieces that I want to try selling on eBay. The rest of it... I dunno. Back in the 1980 and 90s this stuff was very collectible, but the market for it pretty much crashed in recent decades. If I were willing to put the little stuff up on eBay indefinitely, I could probably sell most of it eventually, but I don't know if I have that much patience. It's taking up a lot of floor space in the computer room.

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