What time is it?

Apr 29, 2018 14:44

It's SEASONAL SPUFFY TIME! So get on over to to the LJ sign-up post and sign up!

Taken yesterday:

Today we did a six mile hike -- we hadn't intended to go quite that long, but we ended up taking the scenic route. I forgot to bring my phone, which annoyed me, because the sahuaro were in bloom, and in the middle of the park, where there's a basin where several dry washes that converge, the palo verde and and the ironwood were just masses of yellow and pink flowers. There were so many bees flying around that the whole basin just rang with the buzzing. I don't know if there was a hive nearby, or if a vast bee armada had converged from elsewhere, but it was amazing. We didn't bother them, and they didn't bother us. We saw several quail and a few hummingbirds, and ran across some Mystery Tracks which I thought at first were of a large dog, then thought maybe were bobcat tracks because they weren't the same shape as all the other dog prints on the trail. But having looked up bobcat tracks, they were too large to be that. They actually looked kind of like the pictures I've found of cougar prints, but while cougars do show up on the edge of town every now and then, it's very unlikely that one would be strolling around in a high-usage park in the very middle of the city. And the tracks we saw were in loose, dry sand, so the details were blurry. So I'm back to large dog, I guess.
I started setting up stuff for the yard sale we've been putting off, and it's obvious that we need to go through things and winnow a bit. Some of it is just flat out junk. Urgh. And I haven't even got to the boxes of Mom's stuff we've been storing since we sold the house three years ago.

Talk to me

seasonal spuffy, gardening, my boring life

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