
Aug 10, 2017 20:59

Been an exhausting week. Mom had a bad night Sunday, which lead to a bad day Monday, which lead to me stressing and not getting any sleep either, but she was recovering Tuesday and seems back to... well, I hesitate to say normal, but back to the best she's been post-fall. My brother flew out for a quick visit, and I was up late picking him up at the airport last night, which lead to me over-sleeping this morning and missing a meeting. Thank Dog I have an understanding boss. Mom was very glad to see my brother, though, so worth it. We're going to talk to her caseworker tomorrow and see what the current prognosis is for getting her back to her own place. She is definitely better, physically speaking; she can move around in bed and sit up with relative comfort now, when two weeks ago the slightest movement would elicit gasps of pain. But the walking part is going slowly.

The yard is a mess and I haven't settled on a contractor to fix the porch, and the house is also a mess, and the (@&*##! termites have come back in the dining room (termite guy coming tomorrow.) And I need to buy filters for the air conditioner.

On the bright side, my brother took us out to dinner, and we're making arrangements to ship the boxes of stuff we've been holding for him out to the house he's bought in Pennsylvania. It won't free up that much room in the shed, but every bit helps.

Ma-San just reached out and smacked me for no reason. Goddamn cute little murderous kittycats.

Talk to me

mom drama, my boring life

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