And in the Department of Things Continuing To Suck...

Aug 01, 2017 22:17

A couple of weeks ago we started noticing water on the floor of the laundry room again. We determined that it was coming from the drainage pipe for the washing machine. It kept getting worse, so I called a plumber. They came out yesterday, started to snake out the pipe... ran into an impenetrable blockage...and pulled the snake back with a big ol snarl of roots. Which means that the ancient cast iron pipeline which runs from the washing machine under the concrete slab of the back porch has finally broken, and is all clogged up with roots and dirt. Which means that today, the plumber came back with all kinds of concrete saws and jackhammers and implements of destruction, and cut out a section of the back porch so they could put in a new line. Which is going to cost even more than replacing the AC/furnace did last year. We're still paying that off, damn it -- the pipe couldn't have waited one more year to disintegrate?

And then we'll have a big hole in the back porch. :/ I think I am going to just get some bricks and fill it in for now. When we pay off the furnace and this plumbing extravaganza, maybe we can see about fixing it for real. Tear the whole thing out and lay a new driveway, maybe. It should only take another three years or so to pay it all off. Five tops. :twitch:

Talked to the case worker at the rehab place today. They say Mom's about 50% of the way to where she needs to be to be released -- another week or two, depending. This is better than I had figured just talking to Mom. The main problem she's having is that with the hip replacement, she can't bend over, and has to use one of those graspy things to do stuff like pull on pants. With her vision problems, that's very difficult for her. :( She's been up and walking a very little.

In the category of things that would have been funny if they weren't so stressful, when I visited her the other day, she told me that she was supposed to go to some meeting with a doctor in a day or two. I asked the person at the desk about it before I left, and they didn't know anything about it, so I figured she'd misunderstood something. Today, she started to tell me all about how they'd put her in a wheelchair and taken her in a van to south Phoenix to be medically evaluated at some big state building. My immediate assumption was that oh, God, she's hallucinating again... and then I realized she was talking about the county hospital, which is where her hip operation was done, and they took her back there for her two-week follow-up for the the surgery, and that must have been the meeting with a doctor they'd told her about, and she'd told me about, a couple of days back. I felt simultaneously massively relieved and like a complete idiot.

Anyway, I devoutly hope that she will be able to move back to her assisted living apartment soon. I'm just twitchy because I still don't know exactly how much extra help she's going to need once she gets back, and I can't adjust my financial calculations till I know that.

Sleep now.

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mom drama

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