Still tired

Jul 23, 2017 15:53

Mom has seemed better the last few days. Not 100%, but much better than she was Wednesday and Thursday. I haven't intersected with the doctor I talked to on Thursday again (it's really difficult to talk to the same person twice running at this place) so I'm not sure if she got antibiotics, but something definitely improved. And I have to second-guess myself about what exactly IS 100% for her these days. I've been aware that she's been getting more forgetful for awhile; I often have to tell her something several times before it sticks. But as she lives in a place where she has basically the same routine every day, it hasn't really mattered, and it's been easy for me to just say "Oh, Mom," and forget about it. I have been keeping an eye out to make sure that her bills get paid, and so far, they always have. Of late she's been complaining about the effort it takes to write out the checks. When she first moved into assisted living, I didn't argue about her paying them because it was something that let her feel in control of things, but I had been thinking even before this that it might be time for me to suggest that maybe I should start taking over.

A big part of the reason I'm stressing so hard about this (other than the obvious) is that I don't know what to plan for. My preferred method for dealing with disaster is to figure out what I'm going to do about it, NOW. And I can't do that, because I don't know how quickly, or to what degree, she's going to recover. The best scenario I can see at this point is that she can move back into her old apartment, but will need a higher level of care. Which will eat up her savings faster, but I've always known that's a possibility. The worse case scenario is that she'd need full-on nursing home care. Will she be able to keep on getting by with her walker, or is she going to need a wheelchair? I just don't know, and I keep obsessively running all the possibilities through my head.

I also can't get hold of her sister, which worries me. Aunt Elizabeth is two years older than Mom, and not in the best of health herself. The phone number I have for her youngest son is disconnected. The number I have for her home phone rings without answer. The cell phone number I have appears to belong to her youngest son's wife; at least, it belongs to a woman with their family surname. So whoever it belongs to OUGHT to know who Elizabeth {Name} is. But I've left two messages that I'm trying to contact her, and no one's gotten back to me. :/

In other news, the verdict on Stitch Fix is that it's just too freakin' expensive. I liked three of the five pieces they sent to me, but together, even with the styling credit, they were well over 100$. I can't justify spending that much on three pieces of clothing that I liked but didn't !!LOVE!! when I can stroll over to the thrift store and get the equivalent for fifteen bucks. So I wrote them a nice "It's not you, it's me," note and canceled.

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mom drama, my boring life

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