
Feb 15, 2017 10:23

I dream I'm at some kind of amusement park with a couple of friends. We are going into a funhouse type thing where, for some reason, you have to twist and bend around to get inside. It's dark inside, and the friend who went in first is helping me. The friend behind me is getting impatient, and makes some kind of comment telling me that I should hurry up or I'm doing it wrong, I can't remember what. Exasperated, I mutter under my breath, "Oh for God's sake shut up, I can't see where I'm going!" But they hear me, and stomp off mad.

I run after them, trying to apologize. I finally catch up to them in a ramshackle building, and try to explain that I'm sorry and it won't happen again. They refuse to accept the apology, and tell me I'm being threatening. I ask them what I can do to make them feel safe, and they somehow grow to be much taller than I am. I understand that what they mean is, they want me to get much smaller. I tell them I can't do that. They finally shrug and tell me there is nothing I can do to make things right; they have hated me for a long time, and this finally gives them the excuse to tell me so.

Suddenly we're in a hotel room. I am trying to be sensible and calm, explaining to the friend that I left behind at the funhouse that Friend #2 hates me, so I won't be hanging out with them any longer, but that doesn't mean that I expect Friend #1 to stop doing things with them. The hotel room gets more and more crowded, and people are wrapping presents. I am trying to help them wrap, but I can't get the ribbons to tie. It's a party for Friend # 2, and all the people crowding in are people I don't know, friends of Friend # 2. I think a little sadly that I don't have anywhere near that many friends, and that's probably my fault. They all start talking about what a terrible person I am for hating Friend #2. I protest that I don't hate Friend #2; it's true that they annoy me sometimes, but everyone annoys everyone else sometimes. They turn away from me in contempt. I realize there's no point in trying to explain myself; they won't listen.

I wake up. It takes me several minutes to realize that it was only a dream.

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