
Dec 01, 2016 19:24

I just saw the notice that sb_fag_ends is closing up shop. I can't blame the mods for their decision; participation has been way, way down for the last couple of years, and I certainly haven't been contributing myself, so. But still, I'm all sad now. LJ Buffy fandom takes another step closer to its inevitable grave, alas. There's a couple of icon communities still going, and IWRY and Seasonal Spuffy, and... is Fantasmagorica still going, or did it close, too? I really think that's it. All that's left. There's still fandom activity going on over on Tumblr, and on some of the Spuffy archives, but... it's not the same.

Oh, and the Herald, but if all the other comms shut down, there's not gonna be much point in keeping that going. :/

In slightly brighter news, seasonal_spuffy has just wrapped up its most recent round, so for the love of Mike, if you haven't been over to check it out, go forth, read, and comment. We don't want this to be their last round, do we? No, we don't! GO NOW!

Talk to me

seasonal spuffy, the inevitable heat death of fandom

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