(no subject)

Nov 10, 2016 20:35

Student protests in AZ: http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2016/11/10/phoenix-protest-grand-canyon-university-alhambra-high-school/93598238/ Damn, I hope they can hold on to that fire through the next few years, because if they can, this will be a generation to be reckoned with.

Wrote my senators today, and set up monthly donations to Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. I've donated before, sporadically, but I'm feeling that's not enough any more. Looked into that thing about proportional representation in the electoral college which has been going around, and found that Arizona is one of the several states that have already signed on to it. No use in the current situation, but something to push for in the future.

A while back, right after same sex marriage was made legal, I read an article, I don’t remember where or who by, but the author was an older gay man and it had this weird tone of… like… “The modern queer experience is too mainstream and bland, we were a ~richer and more unique~ community when we were all persecuted freaks, if today’s entitled queer kids had to experience that it would give them a deeper appreciation, blah blah blah.” I thought it was stupid at the time. Just some old guy (he was probably my age) ranting about Kids These Days. Now that it’s actually likely to happen for awhile, it makes me furious - suffering doesn’t make you deep, it makes you suffer.

I have been out since the late 80s, but I remember the suffocating fear of living in the closet. Coming out was terrifying. I never regretted it, but I am keenly aware that that is because I was very, very, VERY lucky. I didn’t get beat up or disowned or fired. (So far anyway. In Trump’s America, it’s never too late.) I know many, many people who did. I’ve been with my wife for almost thirty years. We’ve had the benefits of legal marriage in our home state for one of those years. So if it all gets torn away, I’ll be disappointed, but I know how to deal; I’ve been doing it for decades. In some ways, I always felt deep down that it was too good to be true. Too quick, too easy.

People who came of age in the Obama years, though… yes, they feel entitled to those rights. They should feel entitled to those rights. Everyone should. And we need their sense of anger and more than anger, betrayal as we band together to protect the rights we have and secure the ones we don’t. I have no truck with the people saying that well, maybe this is the kick in the pants snake person liberals needed. This isn’t a kick in the pants, it’s being run over by a fucking bulldozer. It’s going to take a while to peel ourselves off the asphalt.

But once we do, we are going to be entitled as hell. All of us.

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lbgtq+, politics

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