
Nov 09, 2016 06:20

That sums it up.

I didn't sleep at all last night. I have seen the face of my country, and it is ugly beyond belief. I thought I was fairly cynical, but in the immortal words of Charles Gunn, there is always more down.

The first thing I did this morning was to sign me and Kathy up to volunteer for the Democrats in 2018.

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we're doomed, but i'm going to go out fighting, politics

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Comments 67

readerjane November 9 2016, 13:34:17 UTC
It's so horrible. I'm so ashamed of my country.


rahirah November 9 2016, 20:56:30 UTC
Me too. :(


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rahirah November 9 2016, 15:08:10 UTC


kd0206 November 9 2016, 13:48:08 UTC
I am devastated. It feels like a kidney punch at all the social progress we've made. As someone who's uninsurable without the ACA I am terrified.


rahirah November 9 2016, 15:08:37 UTC


flake_sake November 9 2016, 14:07:04 UTC
I was too optimistic too.
The world is full of bullies still and every day's a battle.


rahirah November 9 2016, 15:09:15 UTC
I really thought we were better than this. Not hugely better, but just a little bit, you know?


flake_sake November 9 2016, 15:25:00 UTC
I was expecting a very close race, because in Europe these assholes, at least a half of them, they do know that what they are voting is plain evil and they lie in the polls because they are ashamed to admit it in one on one phone interviews.

Hofer was polling at 20% in the first round of our election (with 6 cadidates)- he got 35%.

I was very afraid that the Trumpsters in the USA would act in a similar manner.

And still I expected Clinton to make it. After Obama I really thought that there were just more people who would vote Anti-trump, if nothing else.


rahirah November 9 2016, 21:00:59 UTC
In a tiny, tiny sliver of consolation, she did get the popular vote, if just barely. The problem is, due to concentration of liberals in high population density areas, and flat-out gerrymandering by the Republicans in 2010, those votes aren't spread out in a way that makes them maximally effective in the electoral collage. And that is what we have to work on changing in the long run.


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rahirah November 9 2016, 15:09:25 UTC


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