Incremental progress

Oct 01, 2015 17:14

Work is, well, not easing up exactly, but at least some priority lists have been established, so it's not ALL THE THINGS RIGHT NOW.

I've got to set up the last sale at Mom's place. MY brother thought e could be out here in September originally, but his schedule didn't cooperate, and now maybe he can make it out in October, but we're going to be out of town for a week and a half. I was going to do it last weekend, but ended up working Saturday. I really need to just schedule the damned thing and do it. Or pack up the remaining good stuff and stick it in the shed, and take the rest to Goodwill. This has dragged on way too long.

Anyway, we bought some baseboards and drywall patches and paint, and have ordered the toekicks. This weekend we can definitely replace the baseboards and patch the drywall, and possibly get started on repainting. The toekicks won't come in for several weeks, which will make Churro happy -- he likes crawling into the space beneath the cupboards. :P

I got the transitional scene for POM Chapter 7 written this week, so when I re-upload the whole thing, hopefully that will make it clearer who is doing what when. Also got a start on the next scene in Chapter 13, and figured out some emotional parallels between Buffy and Sam that could make it more than just an "Ok, this subplot is resolved!" scene. Yay.

Pan grilled catfish, steamed broccoli, and baked sweet potato for dinner. Tomorrow night we're going to see A Walk In The Woods.

Talk to me

my boring life, writing

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