
Mar 30, 2015 21:46

This last Saturday we took a break and went to the Tempe Arts Fair, where I found a nifty pair of pottery lamps for the bedroom. Sunday we took the spare dog crate over to Mom's, and took home the little mahogany sideboard which is the last of the furniture we'll be keeping. It doesn't have any major structural damage, but the finish is in ( Read more... )

seasonal spuffy, polls, my boring life

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Comments 7

velvetwhip March 31 2015, 06:40:58 UTC
At least your Mom was offended by the KKK senior tour going on at her table. Good luck with the furniture. Hope you get that raise!



shapinglight March 31 2015, 08:48:36 UTC
I should have done a poll. I don't know why I didn't.

I'm glad your mum is settling in a bit and that she managed to get moved off the racist old lady's table. Maybe they can seat the racist old lady with some people with hearing difficulties and they can just turn their hearing aids off?I dunno. She may be horrible but it's sort of sad to think of her sitting there ranting away to herself.

Or maybe not. It's entirely possible I've been a member of an extended Indian family (where the default position is to respect older people no matter how awful they are) for far too long.


ljs March 31 2015, 10:23:55 UTC
I'm glad your mother is finding her place (even if slowly) at the new place -- and I'm glad she doesn't have to deal with the nightmare dinner partner any more.

Cheers for furniture and new lamps, and good thoughts for the raise.


diebirchen March 31 2015, 14:39:31 UTC
A product called "Old English Scratch Cover," the dark version, does will on mahogany. I used it on my mother's furniture years ago, and it's still around. It darkens the scratches and polishes all in one, if refinishing is too expensive.


nutmeg3 April 1 2015, 00:25:00 UTC
Im glad to hear your mother's doing better at the new place. But I have to ask... Why did you take the dog crate over to your mom's?


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