Movie meme

May 14, 2014 16:27

Everyone should post your most ten CRUCIAL CRUCIAL - ASS movies, like the ten movies that explain everything about yourselves in your current incarnation (not necessarily your ten favorite films but the ten films that you, as a person existing currently, feel would help people get to know you).

This is hard, mainly because I'm terrible at remembering lists of things. I'm more of an "Oh, yeah, that thing! I loved that thing!" sort of person. But in no particular order:

Singin' In the Rain
Yellow Submarine
To Kill A Mockingbird
The Hudsucker Proxy
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
It's A Wonderful Life

And annoyingly, I'm almost tempted to include Inside Llewyn Davis, because despite not liking it, it really got into my head. Mainly because it says uncomfortable but true things about creative jealousy and bitterness, and poses questions about art for art's sake vs. art for the sake of those who consume it which I don't think have any pat answers, but are very much worth asking. And I almost don't want to include Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, despite it saying fascinating stuff about identity which is very much a thing that concerns me, just because it seems like a really facile response that, you know, everyone will use... which may say more about me than the movie does. When people make these lists, does it really tell people anything about them? I could explain why I chose each of these, but isn't the list supposed to explain me rather than vice versa? I know it won't, because I know there are people who see these stories in very different ways than I do, and for whom the inclusion of a given movie carries a radically different freight of connotation and interpretation than it does for me. So in the end, I suspect that this is just one more list of Things Barb Likes rather than a window onto my soul.

Talk to me

memes, movies

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