I may have mentioned that despite the fact that we live smack dab in the middle of one of the largest cities in the US, there are two or three families within a mile of us who keep chickens. Every so often we'll see them out in someone's yard, pecking away. Of late, one particularly adventurous grey hen has struck out on her own, and has taken up residence on top of a carport down the block from us (I assume she came from the flock on the next street over.) Every now and then as we walk Bo, we see her perched up there, glaring down at us in a pose of CONSTANT VIGILANCE. Not sure what kind it is; maybe a Dominique or a Barred Plymouth Rock - it's a rather elegant looking speckled hen, anyway.
We're having our Thanksgiving potluck at work tomorrow, and I made apple-cranberry sauce, but I have a feeling that it's going to be a rather sorry affair. Scuttlebutt says not many people have signed up to bring things. Half the people on our floor are being let go in the next few weeks dude to the ongoing reorganization, and no one is in a particularly festive mood. :/
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