Feb 27, 2012 21:59

OK, what has happened:

Went to the dentist for the first time in far too long. No cavities, but I need a cleaning and a filling replaced. Former scheduled, latter pending.

Planted some more hibiscus and a pomegranate over the weekend, mowed the lawn, and made plans to repurpose the old carport frame into a grape arbor. (We replaced the home-made carport with a much nicer one from Costco a few weeks ago, so I had a bunch of piping and joints and stuff left over. Next weekend I'll get out a hacksaw and cut them down to size.)

Finished the first draft of "Wolves," yay! It's off to the betas, who are so far being FAR TOO NICE. :eyes them severely:

Have been looking for cheap Kindle books.

Would natter more, but the dog's screaming to be let inside, having been abandoned in the back yard for all of half an hour.

Talk to me

gardening, my boring life, writing

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