Ack revisited, and beta request (read: abject begging)

Oct 18, 2011 20:56

I'm really sorry, you guys, I know this is incredibly short notice, but I got my Seasonal Spuffy posting date mixed up, and just realized on Sunday that it's tomorrow rather than November 6th. (I have no idea where I got November 6th, I was just convinced that was it.) To make matters worse, I've had writer's block like whoa all year, and as of Sunday I had absolutely nothing postable - the beginnings of three or four stories and absolutely no idea where to go with any of them. Apparently panic is good for me, because on Sunday night one of the stories suddenly clicked, and I've written like six thousand words in the past two days. The good news is that this gives me enough, I think, to post a first chapter, and with any luck I should be able to finish the rest within a week or two. (I think the whole thing will be ten thousand words, fifteen thousand tops.)

The bad news is that this first chapter is, well, a first draft written in two days. In other words, it sucks ass. (It's also not at all what I wanted to write - I wanted to write a funny or fluffy standalone romp, and this is instead the prequel to "Every Silver Lining Has A Touch of Gray," i.e. an angst-ridden middle segment of an angst-ridden three part futurefic arc which I'm apparently writing backwards.) I really, really need to know what parts are too confusing and backstory-dense for the casual reader. Plus all the places where I've repeated the same word five times in a paragraph, or used identical sentence structure three paragraphs running, or abused ellipses to the breaking point, and all that stuff.

If anyone has the time to go over it, you have my eternal gratitude. If not, don't sweat it - I know I'm making completely unreasonable requests here.

P. S. Also I have no title.

*tears hair*

P.P.S. Also I would rather post late than post something that sucks, so if you do want to give betaing a shot, but can't get it to me by tomorrow night, I am totally willing to post the first draft as a placeholder and replace it later with the finished version. I ain't too proud to let the world see my crappy first drafts as long as I know there's a better version a-coming. *g*

Talk to me

seasonal spuffy, wah wah wah, writing

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