Oct 15, 2011 14:02

I just re-checked the Seasonal Spuffy posting schedule. I've been thinking that my posting day was November 6th. But no, this round only goes till next week, and my day is the 19th ( Read more... )

seasonal spuffy, barb is a bad person who should feel bad

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Comments 14

ljs October 15 2011, 21:12:01 UTC
You're a star, Barb, and you'll figure it out.



rahirah October 17 2011, 04:11:20 UTC
I'll have something. I make no guarantees as to quality or quantity.



slaymesoftly October 15 2011, 21:45:58 UTC
You'll come up with something. I predict it. And it will be awesome, do doubt.


rahirah October 17 2011, 04:12:15 UTC
I've got something (one of the aforementioned stories abruptly started working after I posted this) but it'll probably only be a (very short) first chapter. Bad Barb!


slaymesoftly October 17 2011, 11:35:55 UTC
*slaps you with appropriately wet noodle*


quinara October 15 2011, 22:47:45 UTC
Join me in Spuffy bootcamp, my friend! Together we shall rule the world... (Don't mind me; it's been a strange week.)


rahirah October 17 2011, 04:12:57 UTC
I think I may have something... it'll just be Really Short. O_o


thisficklemob October 15 2011, 23:03:25 UTC
I pretty much always write my S_S story in a fit of panic at the last minute.

That said: drabbles? Totally a valid format. *g*


rahirah October 17 2011, 04:14:24 UTC
I think I'll have the first chapter of something, but damn, I suck...


brutti_ma_buoni October 15 2011, 23:11:21 UTC
Time to break out the emergency limerick collection.

(What? Doesn't everyone have one of those?)


rahirah October 17 2011, 04:22:03 UTC
That would imply forethought!


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