In which I ponder

Aug 02, 2011 23:01

seasonal_spuffy is making a permanent move to Dreamwidth, for assorted reasons you can read about at the comm. I wish them luck; it's never easy to move an established event to a new venue. Very stupidly, despite my resolution to give up ficathons, I've signed up again, to support the move and because the theme this time around is something cheerful, and I desperately want to write something cheerful. I have no idea what. Unless perhaps I can come up with a resolution for that silly genderswap idea I had awhile back. Or the one about the dimension of lost socks. Why do I have all these funny openings languishing on my hard drive with no plot in sight?

Re: the Spike webcomic, all I have to say is that speaking as someone who has drawn eyes, that's not even remotely a tear. It's the small globe-like nodule at the inner corner of the eye, otherwise known as the caruncula lachrymalis. It is made of skin covering sebaceous (oil) and sudoriferous (sweat) glands, thank you very much Wikipedia. It just didn't get colored properly.

(I actually liked the comic quite a bit, though I do not think it signals the dawn of the New Spuffy Millenium. But I think it's far too slender a reed to hold up under the weight of all the analysis it's been getting.)

It does make me realize that I will probably want to talk about the comics. However, I do not want to talk about the comics in public. Last fall was not fun for me, and I doubt it was fun for anyone else, and I do not want a repeat. However, the fact is that I am not an uncritical fan of the comics, or of the way that the Spike/Buffy relationship has been handled in the comics. If I talk about them, I will probably be snarky and sarcastic, and I might even get downright ranty. I've thought about just posting under a cut, as has been my custom, but honestly, after last fall I'm not comfortable doing that. I am therefore going to make a comics filter. I don't intend this to be some super secret thing, it's just a way for you to skip posts of mine which will do nothing but raise your blood pressure. If you would like to be on it, please comment below. Comments will be screened.

(If you're considering asking to be on it just so you can tell me how wrong I am... please don't. The whole point of this is so that I can grumble in peace and you don't have to look at it.)

Talk to me

seasonal spuffy, comics

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