The trouble with sushi rolls

May 26, 2011 20:05

Is that by the time I remember the trick of rolling them tight enough, I'm out of fixings. So I ended up with two rolls that kind of disintegrated when I sliced them up, two that mostly stayed together until you tried to pick up a slice, and two that were actually pretty coherent, rice-wise. I almost took pictures, but decided to wait until I had some more photogenic ones. I really need to make these more often, because even if they're not the most aesthetically pleasing rolls, they're really tasty.

I started teaching Bo to jump over a hurdle today - I don't think I have the patience to do formal agility training, but I can teach him to jump over a board on two cinder blocks. I laid the blocks flat so he's just learning to walk/hop over the board when I say "Jump" right now, and then I figure that I'll just keep raising the board little by little till he's actually jumping. Then maybe I'll get a hula hoop and see if I can get him to jump through that.

I'd like to try clicker training with him, but the few times I've tried it he just gets totally focused on OMG YOU HAVE TREATS I WILL GO INTO DOWN-STAY AND STARE AT YOU UNTIL YOU GIVE ME THEM! There may be such a thing as too food-motivated...

Talk to me

bo the wonder dog, cooking

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