That was unexpected

May 06, 2011 19:16

Way back in the Dark Ages, I was at a filksing at a convention somewhere, and I scribbled out a little cartoon of Cerebus the Aardvark. (This was before Dave Sim went batshit insane, and one could be a female fan of Cerebus without feeling the need to wash one's brain out with lye afterwards.) Someone in the circle said, "Hey, I'm putting together a zine - can I use that?"

"Sure!" I said blithely, and handed it over. I think I got a free copy of the zine for it, or maybe not. I forget. It wasn't a very good or memorable zine, as I recall, just a throw-together for the con, but then, it wasn't a very good or memorable cartoon, either. In any case, I promptly forgot all about it.

This morning I was putzing around on the web in a desperate attempt to avoid writing, and guess what I found.


You'll have to scroll down. It's in the "Drawn By Others" section. Loose Notes #4: 1983, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 fanzine, 64 pages. Cerebus the Aardvark cover by Barbara A. Cummings.

The internet really is forever.

Also I posted the conclusion to "In A Yellow Wood" over at both versions of Seasonal Spuffy if anyone is interested.

Up till yesterday afternoon I seriously didn't think I would finish it on time. But I finished the first draft last night. And then today I managed two fairly severe rewrites, one to put stuff in and one to take stuff out. I'm wiped. But that's one WIP down.

Three to go.

Talk to me

seasonal spuffy, fandom

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