
Apr 04, 2011 11:58

Last night I dreamed that I had written a story about Xander and Dawn dealing with the death of someone (Giles, maybe?) which got reposted without attribution at some Xander fan site and flamed mightily for reasons which were perfectly clear in the dream, but which I can't remember at all now. The person reposting them in the dream was someone I barely know in real life, and not a Xander fan in any case. Most of the dream involved me writing snarky responses to the flames and then thinking better of it and deleting it.

What good is that, I ask you? That's what I do in real life, or at least, that's what I try and too often fail to do. It's a dream! Why can't Dream Me post the snarky responses? Or at least create a sockpuppet to post them? What kind of feeble, useless id do I have, anyway?

Talk to me


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