Random post is random

Jan 22, 2011 22:32

So yesterday I took Mom out to see the low vision specialist that her eye doctor recommended, and she finally bought one of the CCTV reading machines she's been talking about getting for years. I'm hoping it will let her do some of the things she's had to give up as her eyesight got worse, like crossword puzzles. It's being delivered Monday, so we'll see.

I have been on a mad grapefruit kick lately. I don't know what it is, but sometimes I just crave grapefruit like whoa. Probably I'm vitamin C deprived or something.

Churro and Bo have made it to the Occasional Nose-Sniffing And Guarded Play-Bat stage, though Churro still hisses and growls when Bo gets too much in his face. Bo is oblivious. "YAY I HAVE A NEW LITTLE FRIEND I WILL HUG IT AND SQUEEZE IT AND CALL IT GEORGE!" This is, I think, by far the fastest we've ever got through the introduction stage; it's been less than a week and everyone is already mostly getting on. Cuervo thought Sam was Satan in dog form for months, if not years.

I have been working on both POM and "In A Yellow Wood," but I fear that by splitting my attention I won't have the next chapter of either ready by the Nertz!Fic deadline. Argh! One of them will post, by golly!

Churro is playing with Bo's softball OMG SO CUTE!

Talk to me

my boring life, cats and dogs living together

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