Two kerfuffles for the price of one

May 12, 2010 08:34

OK, I don't know if any of you have been following the big Diana Gabaldon fanfic kerfuffle, but to sum up, Diana Gabaldon thinks that writing fanfic is like raping her daughter (or something.) So far, so dude-you-WAY-over-identify-with-your-characters. However, as the kerfuffle has progressed, the following interesting facts have come to light:

1. Gabaldon admits to basing Jamie Frasier, the hero of her bodice-ripping time travel saga, on Jamie McCrimmon, a character played by Frazer Hines on Doctor Who.

2. Gabaldon admits to having sent Frazer Hines a copy of the first novel in her series, wherein the character based on him is tortured and raped in graphic fashion. Because, I guess, she thought he'd be flattered.

I leave any conclusions as an exercise for the reader. O_o

As for the other kerfuffle eating fandom at the moment, I am saddened beyond belief to see people I respect taking positions that I can't. I have been very, very lucky in that I've never found myself in a situation where I felt that I was in serious danger of sexual violence, but I have been in situations where I felt pressured and icky. I have no illusions that it's only due to my own force of will that the latter never escalated into the former.

Silence does not equal consent. And that's all I have to say about that.

people suck, fandom

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