Summertime, and the living is not really that easy at all

Mar 06, 2010 12:48

Our back yard being a solid, foot-tall mass of wild mustard and pigweed, I sallied forth with my trusty lawnmower this morning, and set to. Because the weeds were thick and there was heavy dew, it was hard going, and I took several breaks. Halfway through the morning, I stood looking out over the uncut half, a glorious spring green with all the ( Read more... )

our new insect overlords, gardening

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Comments 10

petzipellepingo March 6 2010, 20:28:01 UTC
Do the cacti bloom in Spring? If so, the bees can find something else to snack on.


rahirah March 7 2010, 03:38:43 UTC
Oh, there's a ton of other flowers right now - it's just that they happened to be on the mustard just then!


sp23 March 6 2010, 20:31:40 UTC
So, you're the reason all the bees are dying off. Case solved! ;-)


rahirah March 7 2010, 03:39:33 UTC
And the sinking of the Lusitania, that was me!


candleanfeather March 6 2010, 20:57:34 UTC
It will be too late for this this year, but you could perhaps sow various melliferous plants in your garden. There's a great variety of them. Some could be adaptated to desertic climate.


rahirah March 7 2010, 03:44:11 UTC
Oh, they've got other flowers - the cassia and the rosemary are in bloom, and there's pansies and snapdragons and marigolds in the garden. And in a week or two, the citrus and the clowver will be in bloom. But they just seemed so happy in the mustard. :)


red_sunflower March 7 2010, 01:22:39 UTC
Don't feel bad for the bees, think of me, I'm allergic to them. :)


rahirah March 7 2010, 03:44:48 UTC
:shoos them away:


framefolly March 7 2010, 03:28:39 UTC
That's a lot of work!


rahirah March 7 2010, 03:45:21 UTC
Well, it's partly my fault for not doing it last week when the weeds weren't quite so powerful!


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