Drabble: The Long Program

Feb 19, 2010 21:53

OK, there is really no excuse for this...

The Long Program
Barb C
PG, Spike/Buffy

"Bloody Slayer," Spike snarled, flinging himself onto the barstool. "Unreasonable, self-righteous bint, thinks she knows everything about sodding everything - gimme a pint, Willy!"

Willy slid a glass of Guinness across the bar and prudently edged away, stationing himself out of finger-breaking range. "Disagreement with the missus?" he asked.

"Only so far a bloke can roll over! Give up killing, fight the good fight - there's a lot I'll do for love, mate, but this?" Spike tossed back half his pint and smashed the glass down on the countertop. "There's no sodding way Lysacek deserved the gold without nailing the quad!"

drabble, fan fiction

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