Fanfic 2009 Meme

Jan 03, 2010 13:06

Gakked from many:

Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, fewer than you thought, or about what you predicted?

I don't know if I wrote more than I thought I would, but when I went back and toted them up, I'd written more than I thought I had.

Where did you publish/archive your stories?

LJ, Dreamwidth, AO3, and my own website.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2009?

Dawn/Gunn, I guess, but that's not because I couldn't conceive of writing it before. I just don't approach writing from the standpoint of "what pairings will I write." Because I write mostly in one 'verse, the pairings I write stay pretty stable. There are very few genres I haven't already written, and I don't hop fandoms more than once a decade.

What's your favourite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest?

Hmmm... hard to say. "Deja Voodoo" and "The Hero of the Piece" were both a lot of fun, and the latter was probably my most ambitious story of the year.. And "Salisbury Down," though it's not a happy story, gives me vast satisfaction on a writerly level.

Okay, NOW your most popular story.

That's also hard to say - how do you tell? Going purely by number of comments, it was either "Coda," my Andy Hallett tribute drabble, or "Just Desserts," which seemed, much to my surprise, to just hit people the right way for some reason.

Story most under appreciated by the universe?

A lot of the later prompt fics I posted didn't elicit much response. I can't really call them underappreciated, though, because they were only light extemporania.

Story that could have been better?

Oh, they all could have been better. They always could be better. But there's nothing I look back on and think, "I shouldn't have posted that."

Sexiest story?

"In my Life."

Most fun story?

I can't pick! In case you haven't noticed, I write a lot of comedic fluff. Probably "Deja Voodoo," because it wasn't just fluff.

Story with single sweetest moment?

Mmmm...probably "When I'm Sixty-Four," for vampire values of sweet.

The story that made you cry?

I don't often cry at my own writing. I can't think of any this year. I think the last one that made me tear up even a teeny bit was "Every Silver Lining..." and that wasn't much.

Hardest story to write?

All the ones I haven't finished yet. :P

Easiest story to write?

I really couldn't tell you. The drabbles and short-shorts, once I get the idea for them, don't take more than an hour or two to write and revise.

Most overdue story?

POM, winner and still champion!

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?

I'm not really an experimental or risk-taking writer. I have stuff I do pretty well, I do it, and people are usually happy. I suppose that using original characters as POV characters is risky in fan fiction, and I did that several times this year, but really, I don't think that counts as risky as I've been writing OC POV characters all my life.

Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?

As always, make progress on the WIPs.

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