Last night the contractor who works for our insurance company sent someone over to nail the back door closed. This caused exciting ructions with Sam last night, as I can't just let him directly into the back yard to do his business. Instead I have to leash him and take him around to the side gate. The only problem is, every time he sees the leash, he thinks that he's getting a walk.
Today I decided to do laundry.
Normal procedure:
1. Wash clothes.
2. Put clothes in basket.
3. Take basket to back yard through back door.
5. Hang clothes on line.
Today's procedure:
1. Wash load of laundry.
2. Note basket is full of dirty clothes. Decide it's only some blankets, I don't need a basket.
3. Pile wet blankets in arms. There are more of them than I thought.
4. Take blankets out front door.
5. Lock front door.
6. Walk around house.
7. Unlock side gate.
8. Lift upper latch.
9. Bend over, trying desperately not to drop blankets.
10. Lift lower latch.
11. Dog leaps at gate. Upper latch falls shut.
12. Lift upper latch.
13. Bend over, trying desperately not to drop blankets.
14. Lift lower latch.
15. Dog attempts to head-butt hand in search of petting. Upper latch falls shut.
16. Yell at dog.
17. Lift upper latch.
18. Bend over, trying desperately not to drop blankets. Blankets have doubled their weight in last five minutes.
19. Lift lower latch.
20. Dog stares woefully, wondering why you hate him. Upper latch falls shut just for the hell of it.
21. Decide that basket is good idea after all.
22. Walk back to front door.
23. Unlock front door.
24. Open front door and squeeze in with blankets. Cat escapes anyway.
25. Empty basket.
26. Put blankets in basket. Take blankets out front door.
27. Lock front door.
28. Walk around house.
29. Set basket on ground
30. Manage by dint of acrobatic brilliance to open both latches at once.
31. Open gate.
32. Yell at dog again.
33. Take basket into back yard.
34. Set basket on ground.
35. Close gate.
36. Hang blankets on line.
I think that the laundry can wait until the back door is fixed.
I have been considering Kennedy. Barbverse Kennedy, that is.
As you may or may not know, Kennedy gets turned by Angel in POM. I was originally going to have Buffy kill her in a big climactic battle, but I decided awhile ago that instead, I would use her for the role I'd originally planned for Gunn (who is now going to be doing something completely different). Which means she's going to survive, and I have several options for her in the long term.
A) Restore her soul
B) Restore her soul and make her human again with Mohra blood
C) Make her alive with Mohra blood, but don't restore her soul
D) Leave her a regular soulless vampire
1. Free range
2. Chipped
My main worry about the first three options is that I want to establish in POM that Orbs of Thessulah and Mohra blood are not that easy to come by. I don't want to set up a situation where someone getting turned into a vampire is an inconvenience on the level of a head cold. A secondary worry with C is that I've already established that it's a very dangerous and risky procedure. The characters don't know exactly what factors allow a vampire to survive the process, only that most of them don't. I do know what the factors are, and at that point, it's not very likely that Kennedy would survive - though later in her vampiric existence, she might.
Right now I'm thinking that the best way to go is D2. I think it's likely that Kennedy goes rogue, no matter what. From her point of view, the Council she devoted her life to screwed her over big time and hung her out to dry. And she's not all that happy with Buffy's camp, either; if Buffy had done her job and staked Angel years ago, none of this would ever have happened. And she's got a major hate-on for Angel/us. So it seems reasonable that she could become a long-term thorn in the side for Angel Investigations. I don't think she'd hook up with W&H, but there are other people in L.A. she might find copacetic. I could see her working with Gwen, for example.
As you also may or may not know, Willow moves to L.A. after the events of "Lesser of Two Evils," in order to take advantage of Angel's experience in dealing with being a souled vampire. This is the last straw for Tara, who's not dealing well with Willow being a vampire to begin with, and who likes living and working in Berkeley. The two of them break up, not without a great deal of angst and regret.
So I'm thinking here's Willow, all angst-ridden over her breakup with Tara and the mistakes she feels she's made (she did not tell Tara about what happened with Warren, and the stress of concealing that didn't help their relationship at all). And here's Kennedy, who is going to have a huge grudge against Angel after the events of POM, and already thinks Willow is hot. This seems like the perfect setup for a mortal enemies rebound relationship. I'm not sure how it would work out over the long run, but it seems to have some interesting possibilities.