You know, those guys

Sep 11, 2006 21:53

OK, you know how there are people on LJ who are maybe not Satan incarnate, but they're wanky and their opinions are weird or wrong or deeply annoying in some way, and even though you don't have them friended you keep running across their comments on your flist, and every now and then they show up on metafandom or someone links to one ot their posts, and you just can't help clicking on the link even though you know that their boneheaded ideas will just drive you crazy and make you want to shoot paper straw wrappers at the back of their head (because they're not important enough to get really angry or offended about, you just want to demonstrate that they aren't all that) so you succumb to temptation and post a reply to whatever it is they've said (because by this time just about anything they say grates like sandpaper) and maybe there's a debate or discussion or even a mini-kerfuffle, but they Just. Don't. GET. It. and it's like arguing with a bowling pin? So you back off muttering "Never again!" but a few days or a few weeks later, there they are, nattering on about something in an even more annoying manner and...argh...must...resist...

No, I'm not reading anyone like this at present. I sometimes suspect that I am this person to a couple of others, though.

I forgot to mention in the weekend wrapup that we went to see The Illusionist. I can't recommend this movie highly enough. It's beautifully filmed, the acting is superb, the effects are wonderful without ever overwhelming the story--which is an intelligent, stylish, old-fashioned-in-the-best-way romance, in every sense of the term. Withough getting spoilery, I will say that I twigged early on to something that could have ruined the story--but the story was told so well that it didn't. If anyone tells you it's a slow movie, don't believe 'em. It's a marvel of pacing, and not a single scene or detail is wasted.

I don't have anything to say about 9/11. I wasn't there. I know people who were very close by, but all of them came through safely, for which I am eternally grateful. But I wasn't there, and I can't honestly say that my life changed, or that my world did. It was a national tragedy, but it would be dishonest of me to try and claim it for my own personal tragedy.

More puttering on the multi-Buffy story. Have pared much of the navel-gazing out of the outline.

Ep 5 of 3D will post Thursday, if you haven't already seen the official message.

personal, fic research, movies

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