May 15, 2006 21:06
...that bestiality and tentacles beat out foot fetish in the kink poll.
FYI, the next one will be Hurt/Comfort, D/s and/or Slavefic, and Fetishization of Animal or Demon Characteristics. (Sorry, no sheep-buggering.) Hopefully it will be not-nice enough to satisfy Peasant. *g* After that will be Public Sex and Water, and after that I'm trying to figure out which combinations work best together. I may not use all of them, but I'll definitely hit the most popular ones, and try to work in the mid-list kinks in supporting roles.
Damned if I know what to do with first time sex, though. There are ten million missing scene fics about canon S/B's first time, and there's nothing I could possibly say about it that hasn't been said. And I've already written Barbverse S/B's first time. So I might have to (gasp) try someone else.
Which leads in to: Why is it that so much shipper fic depends on isolating the couple both emotionally and physically? I've lost count of the times that the blossoming of Twu Wuv (or Deeply Disturbed Lust) depends on the fact that the lucky couple has:
A. Run away to another city
B. Fallen into another dimension
C. Are the only survivors of an apocalypse
Furthermore, if one of the pair is Stricken With Angst, only the Love Object can possibly understand or help them. Friends and family, when present, invariably
A. Ignore them
B. Misunderstand them
C. Are jealous or hostile and try to separate them from the Love Object
It's gotten to the point where, when I find a fic in which friends and family do prove to be on the ball and helpful, I'm shocked and surprised. I suppose this is especially noticable in Jossverse stories because in canon, one's significant other is generally the last person who can help you with Angst--indeed, nine times out of ten they're the cause of the Angst. So I can certainly understand the urge to buck the trend and once, just once, have a romantic partner be successfully supportive and not go evil or run off to Tibet or sleep with your son. But it's not a contest! Characters can have lovers and friends and relatives and all of them can be helpful or unhelpful in varying combinations. Sure, if you're writing a 500 word PWP there's probably not room for that poignant scene with Xander and Willow, but the next time you decide to try something a little more ambitious, think about how the other characters will react to your OTP, and not just in a "Yay team!" or "How dare you!" way. It's fun. I promise.
Recent highlights:
We have been Netflixing Inuyasha, which is fun brain candy so far. Tried out the first couple of episodes of Evangelion, Seen one giant robot, you've seen them all, I guess.
Salmon with tzatziki dressing (yoghurt, cucumber, red onion, dill), tabouli salad, yam fries and corn on the cob.
Still need to get some new shoes.
The Boxer Rebellion by Diana Preston. There was a Lancelot Giles in the seige of Peking. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!
Same old same old. (Someone mentioned that they had no idea what I did for a living. It's not a huge secret or anything, and I don't care if they find out that I write vampire porn. It's just that I work for a Major Non-Profit Organization which is, understandably, very sensitive about its public image, and so I think it's the better part of valor not to tallk about work too much on a public blog.)