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Aug 06, 2009 12:05

i decided to post the ladies separately since each character's picspam turned out to be massive.

Robin Scherbatsky - Xena - Becca Moody - Cristina Yang - Meredith Grey - Chloe O'Brian - Penelope Garcia - Sun Kwon - Juliet Burke

Chloe Sullivan
my all-time favorite, i fell in love with her at once. she's perky, witty, smart and understanding. and i love how she progressed through the seasons. i might no longer be a big smallville fan but overall, i'm happy about what's been happing to chloe.
also, i was a chlark shipper from the beginning, but for quite some seasons now i've only been shipping them as friends. if there's such a thing. anyway, they always had great chemistry.
and her hair! she had such great hairs! :D

Chloe: I hate it when you do that.
Clark: Do what?
Chloe: Just shut me out. It's like one minute, you're here; the next, you're gone. Clark, you're not outgrowing me as a friend, are you?
Clark: Chloe, I could never outgrow you. Other than vertically.
Chloe: It's amazing how far that Kent charm will get you.

Chloe: Clark Kent is a football player and Lana Lang is a waitress.
Pete: What's the matter with that?
Chloe: Nothing, I just want to click my heels and get back to reality.

Chloe: I've already started getting hate mail.
Clark: You seem very happy about that, why?
Chloe: Because it means I'm hitting a nerve. Besides, between the abysmal sentence structure and generous use of obscenities, I got a pretty good idea of who's been sending it.

Clark: I didn’t ask for this life.
Chloe: We didn’t ask for a world that needs heroes, but the truth is we do. Now more then ever, Clark.

Chloe: Lois and Clark?
Jimmy: You got to admit, they got chemistry.
Chloe: Yeah, so do nitroglycerin and peroxide, and I don't suggest putting them together.

Chloe: Clark, before you unload your anger on me, can I just say that I think it is incredibly unfair that everyone trusts me to keep their secrets, and then they turn around and they throw me attitude for keeping someone else's secret! Look, I'm sorry that I had to take a two-second breather from hiding the fact that you are an alien from another planet to protect someone else for a change! God! [Clark hugs her] You had that coming, you know?
Clark: For the record... I prefer "intergalactic traveler" over "alien from another planet."

picspam, tv: smallville

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