
Jun 13, 2005 14:59

Name five [5] things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make your list, post it in your journal, then tag five [5] new people and ask them to post it to theirs:

I enjoy thick chunks of dripping meat, speared by my yolp and steaming in dawns... sorry, ladies present.

Window washing, and tidying the grout around the tub. Shopping for scented candles...sorry, men present.

Okay. Five, huh?
1) I like skiing downhill so fast that any turning maneuver would be death, just riding it out, come what may.
2) I enjoy movie marathons with my closest friends around to pile on the wise cracks.
3) I like taking my guitar into a deep cavern with nobody around and playing to the walls.
4) I like having a clear conscience; that's tense to get but great to have.
5) I like feeling like I matter. Friends are made by demonstrations of love; it takes me away from my fun but brings me even greater joy.
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