Census Meme!

Aug 09, 2011 20:39

1981: I was still two gametes at this time, I believe.

1991: I was nine and in Year 3 at Hornsby North and I am a terrible person because I forget my teacher's name that year. She was nice and our classroom was upstairs. The school used to have these crazy caterpillar plagues in the autumn and people called the caterpillars 'spitfires'. They had black heads and green bodies and yellow collars round their necks. I have lifelong Issues about caterpillars because the boys used to stomp on them and toss them about and stick them on people's bags and things. My best friend was Bronwen. And there was boy called Michael (who ended up being nicknamed 'Pickle') who hung around us being a nuisance. I think that was the year I got to design a poster for the library for the book 'The Dragon of Mith'. Also, I was writing a book of short stories inspired by the dinosaurs from 'The Land Before Time', although I changed their names and appearances after I was introduced to the concept of copyright, and added various original characters like an octopus named Orangepuss and an annoying giant scorpion named Scorpion. Also either that year or the next I wrote 'Call of Destiny', which was inspired by Star Wars except that it was all animally-aliens with no humans in it, because I really wasn't into humans as a child. Our old cat named Sox had recently died and we got a new cat named Emma (who is still alive at my parents' house, at a ridiculously ripe old age). Also, I got my pet rats Nikki and Cassy (or Cassie, forget how I spelt it) around that time. They were both pregnant and soon begat daughters Booze and Whiskey. And I had a vast collection of stuffed toy animals.

2001: First year at Macquarie Uni. I started writing my webcomic, 'The Pantheon', during the holidays after school finished and continued it all that year, eventually getting up to updating it once a week. I did first-year biology and came top of the year, and had a bit of a crush on Dave Briscoe, who taught BIOL114. Also came top in first-year chemistry and got a prize. I did some volunteer work for the fauna park, helping to feed and tidy up the homes of assorted macropods in the mornings, and also at Biotrack, counting and classifying insects in their labs. I think a few years later I got my name mentioned in a scientific paper that came out of one of the insect surveys I had helped count. That year I also wrote several slash stories and joined the queer social club at uni so as to meet Actual Gay Men and see if I might actually feel like I was one.

2011: Now half way through my third year of Being A Boy. Pretty much done with Puberty Mk II, going in a couple of weeks to consult popular FTM surgeon in Brisbane about maybe getting chest surgery. Been working since October last year for exciting company called Access Innovation Media making real-time captions for deaf people in schools, uni and work, and also working on some pre-recorded television captions. Since the start of this year, have also been learning Auslan at TAFE. Our teacher's name is Helen and she is deaf and vey patient with us! We're just starting to get enough vocab to tell and understand stories, though we don't do them very fast. I rent a house that used to belong to my grandmother and now belongs to my mother with my partner who is usually known online as Fuzzy. We have been together since 03/05/03 minus one fortnight when we temporarily broke up. He has just started working for BP after his Mobil service station got eaten by 7-Eleven and does a couple of night shifts per week. Also this year, we got a cat called Samson. He is brown and black with a mane and an uber-fluffy tail. When my grandmother died, she left us some money and I bought an electric bicycle. It's fun and I have ridden more than 800km on it in only 2 months.
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