
Nov 09, 2010 22:02

Hurr, I has books from uni library.

* Robert Sapolsky's 'Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers' and 'Monkeyluv' which I have already finished.

Insights: Stress is bad for your health. Practise that old philosophy of "having the courage to change the things you can, accept the things you can't, and the wisdom to know the difference". Also, apparently getting rewarded for no reason all the time and never having to strive can be as psychologically damaging as being punished all the time. This is why rich people get sad.

* 'The Porn Report', which I have been meaning to read for ages. A bit over 2/3 of the way through, bogged down in chapters about the history of feminist and DIY porn, and things called zines that used to get sold on paper. Do people still do that?

Insights: Conservative politics and religiosity often go along with a bad attitude to women. Everyone is worried about porn having a negative effect on someone else, even if they themselves have a positive experience with it.

* Still to read: 'Mother Clap's Molly House'. Finally!! Where were the copies of this a couple of years ago when I was reading every book ever on gay Georgian/Regency England? Also, some fat book about pyschopaths. That fascinating one I borrowed once about the roots of violence being in frontal lobe damage continues to elude me. I thought it was in the crime section, but it wasn't immediately apparent there.


In other news, the train people at Macquarie Park station are trying to send us all mad by swapping the up and down escalators every few days.

Also, my voice is annoying. One of the librarians at uni carefully avoided attributing a gender to me when speaking to the other librarian. Humf.

We n00bs finally have our own emails and access to the work "Facebook" and forums. It is so exciting.
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