Aug 24, 2007 16:53
I've been off and on lately and I really havent used this journal. Its really supposed to be for fanfics/writings/ and my cats but I've used it a little as other stuff as well.
Well this is about Hades. Hes got a bladder problem. No urine. Just blood has been coming out. Took him to the vet and they did work on the 'urine blood' and luckily only found two crystals. Thats really good they told me. It looks like he just isnt getting enough fluids.
Im having to switch him to wet foods, they gave him painkillers, antibiotics, and another type of pill thats supposed to help with getting him to drink water and all that... not sure... Then gave him so many units of liguids injected in him. A steroid shot, and a penicillian shot. I have to go back tomorrow to have them do another round of fluids.
My job besides giving him the pills and being worried? Playing follow the cat around the room and watching him for squating, and peeing. If he continues to strain then he could be blocked and that, the vet says, is BAD.
Im a nervous wreck. All kind words and well wishing is highly accepted.