Love Story Foreword

Nov 01, 2006 23:26


I started Love Story in late June, early July of 2000. Only seventeen at the time I wasn’t aware at how fast and furious life could come at someone. Over six years into the future, and countless tries to revise, have given me hope to try again and give Umi and Clef their long deserved ‘love story.’ Already I am a little behind on my schedule (Sorry everyone!).
Anyways, I did want to allow you some insight to some of the changes happening! The chapters have been highly reorganized. I believe that by, the first parts, changing chapters each time a new location is explored makes more sense than having Earth, and what’s happening on Cephiro in the same chapter. This may give an appearance of a shorter chapter but really chapter 1 (of previous revisions) has actually become chapters 1-3. This not only allows me to update easier but organize the plot better. It also gives you, the reader, something to feast or flame that much sooner. Minor and semi plot changes are happening and in a couple of months new material never before seen except by me will be added! Thanks for sticking with me through all this!
I have only the small but great fan base to thank for their dedication to all of this. Thank you all!
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