Dont be bastards, get myspace so I can stop posting here. The link to my blog (I hate that word) is: Tuesday, November 15, 2005
People Like Seeing Their Names
Current mood: nostalgic
Yea, so I definitely have a doctor appointment at 3 on Friday before break. So I'm thinking I'm not going to be home until Saturday because I'll probably just end up staying here and partying. I want to hang out with Laura and Nicole, but Laura said she wasnt sure yet. Hopefully I wont party too hard and then I could leave super early in the am, like 7 or so. That would suck, but I can dream. That would put me home like lunch time and I would only really be missing like 2 hours of home time that day. I dont really know what to do. I told Jennifer I would go see Harry Potter with her Friday night, Zoe is coming home, I miss Minia and Marissa, and Josh, and Christi, and everyone else I hang with at home. I want to go surfing, wakeboarding, and run down the street naked. I want to go to the skatepark and skate some real stuff instead of the shit Blacksburg has. Man, I love being home. Oh well. I'll be there soon enough. Oh, and as for the live journal, I think I am just going to copy what I write here there. There are a few people who dont have mysapce and werre complaining they couldnt read it. bastards. Anyways, peace out.
Currently listening:
Lounge Against the Machine
By Richard Cheese
Release date: By 17 October, 2000