Dec 17, 2008 13:14
I have torn my shop apart and am rebuilding it. It looks so much better and i have so much more work room. I have a new re-foam station. And a new re-cone area. I also got a new regulator for my air brush so im not pushing so much acetone into my vent hood. Also Building a new electronics station right now with all my nifty little components organized and readily available. Im stoked. My little department has grown so much in the past six months. OH! and with the extra room, I have been given the go ahead to hang a new sound system just for me! Right now Im building two new studio box's and a center channel!!!
Also... Doing the whole nicoderm thing. I've been buzzed for days.. but I have not smoked. There are four other staff members doing this with me so we have one hell of a support system going. Im confident that it'll take this time.
More later!