Are you deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeead Jared?

Nov 03, 2005 00:27

So yeah...I've been listening to Radiohead ALOT lately...that's not so good because the song We suck Young Blood. off of Thief totally started to talking to me on my way home from work asked me if I was dead....scary ass shit...kinda like the guy that I saw walk through a wall last winter and the werewolf in my front seat...this can only be attributed to energy drink abuse/lack of sleep.

I officially hate my sucks a load of ass...I'm getting my hours cut in a few weeks after they're done training me aka raping me in the ass apparently.

The new issue of the paper came out...I had an article about something or antoher (Top 5 albums you've never heard) rocked...I'm sure..? Good job on the whole paper thing, paper people.

I keep meaning to get myself a good hat...because I accidentally (that's right, I said "accidentally") shaved off what little sideburns that i had and apprently that was the only thing keeping me from looking like a tool, so I need a good hat...I think I might get that tomorrow.

I think I want to start boxing again...anybody else with me? I definitely want to startplaying paintball also before it gets too to me about both these things... PEACE TO THE NATIONS!!!
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