Oct 20, 2005 22:20
God am I gonna sleep good this weekend. 3 1/2 hours/night average this week.
They really threw me in at Applesleeze and I'm getting the hang of it and kudos from the manager, so that's cool.
I'm starting to really love school up at Monroe (esp. Journalism) and am enjoying going up there more and more. That's making me think that I may in fact hold off on transferring for another semester and take 2 days worth of classes (Journalism, of course) and get some good working hours in Winter '06. I think I'm gonna miss that place after I'm done. BGSU is the top contender as far as transfer schools go, but who knows.
So the song I'm listening to right now (You're No Good - Bob Dylan) is fucking amazing but only a minute and a half long. So, I'm going to expand it and cover the fuck out of it!!! (that was unnecessarrily vulgar). Expect that amazing track shortly.
I'm in KC, MO for 4 days in 7, so get your quality J-rad time in while you can.